News and Events at THI Business School

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29 Mar

HIT - University Information Day Ingolstadt of the THI


News of the THI Business School

Portrait von Schnupperstudentin

Student for a Day - Getting a Taste of University Life at THI

Deciding what to do after leaving school is a big challenge for many people. In the past, you first had to leave school, but today many universities,… more
: A man in a black suit in front of a grey background.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Vogler launches SAUGUAD research project - cooperation to strengthen Bavarian pig farming

In October, the innovative SAUGUAD research project was launched under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Thomas Vogler, Professor of Trade Marketing at the… more
A lecture hall full of children, some raise their hands, the lecturer with microphone in hand runs to the front for the presentation.

Children's University: On a journey of discovery into the world of artificial intelligence

As part of the Children's University, a series of events organized by the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and the Catholic University of… more
: A group of 12 people smiling into the camera.12 Personen lächelt in die Kamera.

THI Business School welcomes exchange students for the winter semester 2024/25

THI Business School welcomes a total of 18 exchange students for the winter semester 2024/25. The students come from 13 different universities from 10… more
Six people standing next to each other in a red room smile at the camera.

Prof. Dr. Andrea Raab provides impulses for robotics in medicine at the Healthcare Industry Congress in Hamburg

Prof. Dr. Andrea Raab, Professor of Marketing and Service Management at THI Business School, took part in this year's Healthcare Industry Congress… more

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