Catholic University Community

Here you can meet people and live your faith - without having to do anything. It is important to us that everyone is welcome as he or she is, and we are happy if you help organise and think along with our programme, take care of the food or bring in a topic or a speaker.Christians find uncomplicated, modern ecumenical services at the KHG. By getting involved, you gain practical organisational and social skills. As part of the social competence project, you can incorporate your commitment into your studies.

Anyone seeking counselling on personal issues will find someone to talk to in the chaplains:'

University chaplain Markus Sturm

University chaplain Fr Stefan Weig


Katholische Hochschulgemeinde Ingolstadt 
Bergbräustraße 3, 85049 Ingolstadt
(behind Münster, right next to the pub MO).

phone : +49 841 37929669
