Our service and opening hours

Outside service hours (=opening hours for externals) you can access the library through the students' entrance as a THI member.
For security reasons, please enter the turnstile only individually and with your own student or service ID. In case of misuse, you will be excluded from the use of the lock for one month.
Please respect our rules (PDF).

If opening hours are temporarily changed, this will be announced on the website.

Library card


A student card of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt also functions as a library card. For employees, a service card can be used as a library card. Students at the Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt can use their library card at the library of Technische Hochschule.

If you are not a University member, we will be happy to issue you with a library card.


With your library card, you can loan media, order media using the inter-library lending system and use the multifunctional devices for copying, printing and scanning at the library at the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and the Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
The library card is a chip card with a payment function. You can use it, for example, to pay without cash in all of the University restaurants of the Erlangen-Nürnberg Student Union, including Mensa and Cafeteria of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt.


Library catalog

In the catalog you can find all printed and electronic media held by the library of the Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt (THI) and the Eichstätt-Ingolstadt University Library (UB EI-IN).
Printed media have a shelfmark, which indicates the location of a book within a library. All shelfmarks beginning with 9… mean that the title is in the THI. Shelfmarks with 98 can be found at the Neuburg/Donau site.
You can search for authors, titles or key words, amongst other things.
Furthermore you can find media in the Bavarian Union Catalog as well as some licensed articles in the PRIMO database "Articles & more".

With your library card, you will have access to your own personal library account via the library catalog. In order to register, you need your library card number. This can be found under the barcode on the back of your card. Your initial password is your four-digit date of birth (day and month, e.g. 0104 for the 1st April). After registering, you can look at your account, extend the loan period of your borrowed media or reserve media borrowed by other people.

Interlibrary loan

Media, which are not available in Ingolstadt, can be obtained for free from all over Germany using the interlibrary lending system. 
Books are deliveres to the library for collection.
Articels are sent digitally directly to the customer. 

Ordering is possible via the catalog.

E-books, e-journals, and databases

Within the library, you can access our electronic offerings. With a USB stick, you can download individual chapters or articles for your own personal use.
Members of the THI can also use our electronic offerings from outside campus. Please take note of the license rights.

Daily and weekly newspapers

You can find the following newspapers in the library:
Donaukurier, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Handelsblatt, and Die Zeit.

Via the database Press Reader you have online access to daily newspapers from around the world.


Library as a place of learning

For many, the library is a popular place to learn, study and work together. A diverse, spacious and technical offering supports the wide variety of working situations:
Two reading rooms provide quiet individual workstations and are supplemented by nine group study rooms (one is reservable), one copying rooms with multifunctional devices for printing, scanning and copying, two chill-out areas and research stations; these are also for external members.
Carrels (personal office in the library), caddies (mobile office in the library), PC workstations and a PC pool with software for the relevant faculty are available to students of the THI.

Is a Caddy available?

Loan periods

Books can be loaned for 4 weeks. University members can extend the loan of every medium that has not been reserved by another user of the library by 4 weeks up to five times via their account in the catalog; external members can do this twice.

Return facilities

You can return media by using the terminals at the information desk or by using the 24/7 return box. It is located on the southern side of the library building near by the main entrance.

Self check-out

In the library, there are two terminals by the main entrance and another terminal by the student entrance, which you can use to loan and return your books by yourself.

Self-collection shelf

Reserved media or inter-library loan orders are ready for collection on the shelves in the lounge area. You have between five and ten working days to collect your media.

Coffee machine

In the lounge there is a coffee machine, a snack machine with cold drinks and a water dispenser. In cellar you will find another coffee machine.


Unfortunately, we have to issue a reminder (subject to a charge) for media, which are not extended or returned on-time, in accordance with §18 of the General Rules for the Use of Bavarian State Libraries (ABOB). Cost of the 1st reminder: €7.50


The student entrance, emergency exits, the self-collection shelf and the ServicePoint area are under video surveillance outside service hours.

Equipment and Tools

Lend useful equipment at the ServicePoint.
Regular loan periods are indicated in brackets.
Extensions cannot be guaranteed.