Innovation for Tesa: Students Present their Ideas in Hamburg

13 students from the Design Leadership Master's program at Ingolstadt University of Applied Sciences (THI) recently presented their semester project and were impressed with their fresh approaches. Accompanied by Professor Bernhard Rothbucher, they organized an interactive World Café at Tesa. They discussed key topics such as sustainability and digitalization with around 40 employees from various departments.

Teamwork for success: Master's students prepare their workshop at Tesa (Photo: THI).

As part of the excursion, the students intensively analyzed current challenges affecting Tesa. Their project, which focussed on sustainable solutions in product development, met with great interest and was received very positively by Stefan Biel, Head of Technical Foresight & Product Development, and other employees of the company. Biel was impressed by the depth of the analysis and the creative potential that the students brought to their presentation.

The excursion not only enabled the students to expand their theoretical knowledge but also to make valuable contacts. Three of the students subsequently received internship and job offers - clear proof of the high application relevance of the degree program and the relevance of the ideas presented for industry. ‘It was a valuable opportunity not only to impart theoretical knowledge to the students but also to give them a direct insight into the challenges and opportunities of the industry. The enthusiasm and innovative ideas of our students were greatly appreciated by Tesa,’ emphasized Professor Bernhard Rothbucher.

The Master's degree program in Design Leadership at THI pursues an interdisciplinary approach that combines digital learning formats with practice-oriented projects. Students are prepared for management positions in international companies and agencies, with a clear focus on digitalization, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and global networking. Through intensive exchange with companies such as Tesa, they gain practical experience that optimally prepares them for their future challenges as managers.